Funny how things just sometimes relate to each other. I remember a quote by Steve Jobs saying ' you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.'
Anyways this perticular dot connection is not as big as life changing decisions and stuff but just few days ago my tutor suggested all of us to wonder around and be inspired. Someday the things you see will be useful and we'll be able to connect the dots looking backwards.
"Wander off. Growth often happens when you where you least expect it. It may happen gazing in E7 or witing in B6. Explore everyting, prejudge nothing. Turn left every three minuets. follow someone. Tke any bus and stay on it. Travel Broadens the mind." - welcome to art and design a series of postcards by Nigel Bents 2008
Saturday. 19 Nov 2011.
To walk, an act of traveling by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
Nabila and I took the train to Holborn and walk from there to east london, whitechapel station precisely. Walking a opportunity to do in a city like London. To walk gives the opportunity to see things you don't see when you travel by a vehicle. The slow pace gives you the chance feel and capture. By walking you can feel the change of atmosphere between two places. Smell different odors. Feel your surroundings; The people, architecture, texture, colour and landscape. The journey was exciting, my camera make me feel like a tourist again. Never seen this side of London. I never feel like I own the city. I don't think I can call my self a Londoner because I don't really know her. Things appear and disappear most of the time and everyday you will discover new things in the city. I love London.
Have always love reflections |
A self portrait |
Texture has always catch my interest |
London street lamps |
No War
Justice court |
Nabila |
New street lamps |
I don't know what building is this but IT'S SOOO COOL |
I don't usually prefer symmetrical photographs but I really like this one because the perspective draws into St. Paul |
Underground :D |
postmodernism architecture? |
This particular sign reminds me a lot of Paris |
The Lloyd's building is the home of the insurance institution Lloyd's of London, and is located at 1, Lime Street, in the City of London, England. It was designed by architect Richard Rogers and built between 1978 and 1986. It was beautiful. I don't think my photographs do any justice to the building. It was beautiful I cannot stress enough. Its beautiful. Huge pipes are like arranged tentacles embracing its lover. The small spiral staircase looks like a drill knife attached to its machine. The yellow sun reflected on the smooth surface emphasize its beauty.
I fell in Love.
The Gherkin |
Blue repetition
narcissistic moments with Anish Kapoor |
Gherkin view from White Chapel |
Photographed and Processed by Hana Tindjau
Have a good day everybody!