Friday, December 3, 2010

Martino Gamper

Martino Gamper is an Italian designer based in london who become well known internationally because of his project ; 100 chairs in 100 days. The project involves systematically collecting discarded chairs from london streets over a period of time roughly about two years, then spending 100 days to reconfiguring the design of each one in an attempt to transform its character and/or the way it functions. he investigate the potential for creating useful new designs by blending together stylistic or structural elements of existing chair types. Gamper has stated "There is no perfect chair". 

I don't particularly adore any of his chairs but I really like his initial idea of disassembling and assembling again parts of the chair. The idea is simple yet brilliant. 


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

chair to chair

To my surprise the chair was strong enough. Looks comfortable but trust me its not. I made my friend to pose comfortably and they are such great actors. 

The magazine hanger (not sure what to call this furniture) was made by my friend. It was also transform from a second hand chair. Suits well with my chair huh? 



Alright I know this doesn't look so great but I was struggling of what I'm going to make out of the chair i just disassemble. I was thinking of table lamps, hanger, but I think a chair from a chair would be quite interesting! So here is some sneak peak of the process! 

wood, canvas, wool and coconut.
All of the materials here are all from my chair. I wasn't really thinking of what I was going to make, I was rearranging with the materials I have and I came up with another chair. Okey this may sound boring but I'm pretty  please with the result. :p

Monday, November 29, 2010

Self Pampered

These little things make me happy...



I brought them to school with people staring at me on the way. I guess its really odd to walk around with an antique wooden chair around South Kensington.  I got in the bus and I find it quite funny there was an extra chair on the bus. Shame I didn't take a picture of my self carrying the chair around and when the chair was on the bus. Anyways, we were told to get into groups of four and to arrange them anywhere. So this is what we did.

After we document our 'sculpture' we start to disassemble our furniture. I had so much fun 'destroying' it :D

Now, I have to think what can this chair turn into??