Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The eight weeks rotation has been so much fun and here is the hard part; I have to choose between these four areas after the assessment week. Students will specialize in their chosen area for the rest of the year. The reason why I want to do the Foundation Course is because I’m confused between Visual Communication and 3D spatial. I know at the first place that I wouldn’t take fine art because I don’t want to be an artist. I want to be a designer. I like to work from a brief and have customers I can satisfy through creativity.

I’m very confident during the visual communication rotation, I produce great simple work; take in criticisms from the tutors and my works reflect the fact that I enjoy manipulating and working with images and drawings. I’ve always wanted to be a graphic designer and own my own advertising company. Dream on!

On 3D spatial I struggle when we were told to build a 3D model from our photographs and drawings, however I was keeping it safe and didn’t take the risk. Even tough I’m happy with my work and it was better then I expected, I know I can do so much better and there is always room for me to improve. I find the 3d spatial rotation more challenging from what I thought but I really enjoy it because the things I do here is very different from the IB visual Art course. 3D spatial specialism offers, interior design, industrial spatial, furniture product, theatre, jewellery and architecture. It’s very broad and that’s what I really like from 3D spatial. Like the famous architect, Zaha Hadid, she not just an architect, but she now designs furniture, jewellery, and shoes. She even designs cars (the Z-car).
There are a lot of things I learnt from these rotations even tough not all I really enjoy, for example, in fine art, “don’t let my concept limit my ideas”, In visual communication, simplicity is the best and that composition and framing is very important. In 3d spatial I learnt that as a designer we have to be critical in life and be great thinkers and problem solver. In fashion textile to be able to think beyond and being unique. But the most is to let go, just do it, not knowing the result, decide on the way, find new ideas while working and enjoy!

Choosing between the area’s I think is very difficult because I guess I’m also choosing what my future will be (do I worry to much?) and I don’t want to screw things up. The problem is I really enjoy both visual communication and 3d Spatial. The other problem is that they are both very different (2d and 3d) however I believe that there are crossovers between art and design practices.
Like Dominic Wilcox he took visual communication for his BA degree and product design for his masters and now he create different sort of things. Also Stefan Sagmeister a graphic designer however he often move to fine art or/and 3D for ideas. I think its just good to have general knowledge of every art and design field since it can benefit you and your work.

I guess I’ll just follow my heart and choose something I really want to do!

My CRAZY plans and goals in life (in general) :)

After my BA studies:

Fly to China to learn chinese
(Maybe) start my career in China 

If I become a 
Graphic designer I want to own an advertising company have my own printing company.

If I become an
Interior designer I will work with a company first and go solo. Own an interior design company with other great interior designers, develop my own furniture shop. 

Want to be a freelance photographer as hobby or side job maybe have a private photography studio with a friend.

When rich: own a small flower shop and a jewelry shop

get married at age 29 and have 3 kids

When I'm tired with business I will paint and have my own private gallery at home (maybe teach private art)

and live happily ever after!

Hahahah I know you might laugh because my dreams are BIG and CRAZY as it can be but who knows! 



  1. Your dream is really ambitious!~Flower shop, really good idea, I can consider it too\^@^/

  2. ah, the best kind of dreams are the big crazy ones!
    keep dreaming

  3. gahhahahahhahahah :)
    anak gw uda pada umur 8 pas ur first baby arrives kali ya.. wkkwwk..

    gila lu sih niat abis masih mao ke cina bljr bahasa. good luck with all of your goals :)
